Free blogger templates
In this this article I recommend free 5 blogger templates for your website. This templates are full responsive and full SEO ready templates. It is also ready for advertising a Google ads and Full customisable responsive blogger templates. It is ready to show ads by Google and full adsense ready templates for blogger.
Poppy is a blogger template that your can easily customise your blog according to your niche. Poppy is a full responsive and fast loading website for blogger. It is available in free and paid version. You can download free version easy and use it with give proper credit of creater.
SEO spot
SEO spot is One of the most beautiful template available in free or paid version. It is a full customisable and responsive websites template that you can download and use it for your website. It is a full responsive and SEO ready templates that easily customise according to the your niche.
Buzzspot is free blogger template that available with two versions free or paid version. That is a full responsive and SEO ready template. You can download it for your website and customise according to the your website needs. In this template dark mode available.
Maggy is beautiful template for blogger. It's a good looking and fast loading template with dark mode. It is a full responsive and SEO ready templates for blogger. It is also available in free or paid version.
Flexspot is one of the most beautiful and responsive template for blogger and full adsense ready template for blogger. It is also customisable to the your according website.
I hope this article help you to find best templates for your website. Keep it up !
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